Rabmer GreenTech is a partner of the act4.energy initiative
The research and development initiative "act4.energy innovation laboratory", initiated by the Federal Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) and implemented in southern Burgenland, brings together the pioneers of Austria's energy future to further develop the topic of "renewable energy in Austria" in particular. In order to be able to implement this across all sectors such as electricity, heat and mobility, a further milestone was set with the formation of a high-caliber development and strategy advisory board. In addition to SIEMENS Austria, Fronius International, AIT Austria Institute of Technology and many more, Rabmer GreenTech is also among the top-class energy specialists.
Rabmer focuses on innovative technologies for generating energy from wastewater. There is a great deal of energy potential hidden in wastewater that has hardly been exploited to date. Wastewater heat is an energy source that can be used all year round and is ideal for heating and cooling buildings as well as for preheating fresh water. Over 40% of the world's energy requirements are used for heating and cooling buildings alone, and this is almost exclusively based on fossil fuels. The use of wastewater energy is a highly efficient and environmentally friendly solution to this problem, from small heat exchangers for showers to large-scale solutions for heating and cooling buildings using heat pump and heat exchanger technology.
Further information on generating energy from wastewater can be found here: Energy from wastewater - Rabmer
Read more about the act4.energy initiative: PA Act4 Energy strategy team