Renovation check 2017 launched
Are you planning renovation work or the thermal refurbishment of your house? The Rabmer Group specializes in renovating old buildings and offers a comprehensive range of services. Our highly trained employees look forward to hearing from you.
The current federal funding campaign also offers financial incentives that you should definitely take advantage of. The 2017 renovation check was launched on 03.03.2017 and is limited to 31.12.2017. Applications can be submitted for as long as budget funds are available.
Funding is available for thermal refurbishments in private residential buildings that are more than 20 years old (date of building permit). The refurbishment must achieve a reduction in heating requirements of at least 40%.
Eligible are:
> the insulation of exterior walls
> insulation of the top floor ceiling and the roof
> Insulation of the lowest storey ceiling or cellar floor
> the renovation or replacement of windows and exterior doors
The conversion of the heating system to a wood-fired central heating system, heat pump, local or district heating and solar thermal system can only be subsidized in the case of model renovations (this is a particularly sustainable and energy-efficient renovation according to the subsidy guidelines).
Only natural persons can submit entries.
The subsidy amounts to between 3,000 euros and a maximum of 8,000 euros for thermal refurbishment. Under certain conditions, a supplement of 1,000 euros can be claimed if insulation materials made from renewable raw materials are used. In total (incl. supplement), a maximum of 30% of the eligible costs can be subsidized.
Please note that the funding applicationmust be submitted before the measures are implemented.