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Conserving resources: March 5 is World Energy Saving Day

World Energy Saving Day on March 5 reminds us how important it is to use our resources responsibly. At a time when climate change is becoming an increasingly...

The urgency of saving water

Catalonia, known for its breathtaking landscapes, rich culture and vibrant cities, is facing a growing challenge: a water crisis. The region, which ...

Marcati Group recommends Ecowaterjet

Marcati Hotels & More offers the highest level of vacation enjoyment with its accommodations in the Seefeld region of Tyrol. The Marcati Group has developed our small water-saving and energy-saving...

Rabmer presents innovative technologies for sustainable hotels at the Spanish Hotel Congress

In November, the Rabmer Group took part in the renowned Spanish Hotel Congress, Congreso de Hoteleros, which was organized by CEHAT and FEHM in Palma. This congress is a...

Sustainable designers: Energy transition through innovative environmental technology

"Imagine the future will be great - and it's your fault" - this was the tenor of the event at the end of November organized by Businessart Magazine to award the N...

"The best loss is the one that doesn't happen" AssCompact Claims Symposium 2023

The best claim is the one that doesn't happen - this is the motto of the AssCompact Claims Symposium 2023, which focuses on loss prevention and efficient claims management.

Mini turbine for the shower: uncompromising answer to the call for sustainability in tourism

The innovative and multi-award-winning technology shows that vacation enjoyment and careful use of the precious resources of water and energy are not mutually exclusive.

60th anniversary celebrated with a big summer party

Six decades of a successful family business with traditions and innovations, regional responsibility and international success - this was highlighted at the Rabmer summer party on 25....

Company anniversary: Rabmer Group celebrates 60 years of innovation

The Rabmer Group from Altenberg near Linz is celebrating its 60th anniversary this year. Founded in 1963 in the construction sector, the company has grown steadily through the ongoing expansion of its...